Mass effect andromeda glyphs puzzle help
Mass effect andromeda glyphs puzzle help

On activation it shuts the door north and opens one south in addition to flipping the energy bubble to shield-busting, so ensure that the friendly Observer is nearby before doing so. Head to the south console next, the one beside the good energy bubble. There's no immediate effect, leave them for now. Activate the one-block console first, then the two-block console afterward. The north nook console has one glowing rotating square block that appears on approach, the south nook console has two. Ryder helpfully points out there must be a trick to working them, and there is. Two elevated square shaped doors are opened in the walls uncovering two small nooks containing two more consoles. Scan this console until the Observer activates it. Activate the north console to spawn an Observer from the hub nearby, then wait for the Observer to float around the west console. There are three consoles in this chamber: west, north, and south. If you need them, there's one ammo and health cache each in the area. After the short corridor beyond the the good energy bubble two Breachers, a Nullifier, and an Observer will spawn. The path east is blocked by a door that only opens from the other side (that you'll eventually get to anyway), so take the western path first. Note: Using an Observer to transfer energy to a console with an Observer hologram will be a common theme throughout the conservatory. When the process is complete, the console should sink into the ground. Keep the scanning HUD up until the Observer activates the console. The reaction time is around 2 or 3 seconds, although Observers may need multiple scans of a console before they comply.

mass effect andromeda glyphs puzzle help

It will then transfer an energy beam to the console to open the door.

mass effect andromeda glyphs puzzle help

Scan the console to instruct the Observer to interface with it. The Observer will then hover around the door console. The room does have an abundance of Observer Replication Control hubs in it: on a ledge next to the Gravity Well is a raised console that when activated shoots a beam of light towards an Observer Replication Control that spawns a friendly Observer. Scanning the console reveals that an Observer is needed to activate it on closer inspection the console does have a hologram of an Observer on it. The giant door to the south has a console in front of it but it isn't working.

Mass effect andromeda glyphs puzzle help